
Teenage Dictionary, Entry #176,908.

Frick/Freak/Frig: A term we young’ns use instead of other beautiful words to keep parents content.
ex. “What the frick!”

Holy Crap: Another way to say “Oh my god” without sounding like a priss.
ex. “Holy crap, you scared me!”

Priss: Incredibly similar to ‘prep’ in the way that it means ‘girly’, but being a priss does in no way enable you to be popular.
ex. “Did you see that guy? A bug crawled on him and he freaked! What a priss!”

What the french toast?: Oftenly used in a state of suprise or disbelief.
ex. “You’ve got to see this, I just drowned my fish!”
“What the french toast?!”

The Bomb: Means ‘really cool’; can also be used with the suffix ‘diggity’, also meaning ‘really cool’. In no way means there is an actual bomb nearby.
ex. “That party was the bomb!”

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