
Coming Back

It was a ten minute drive from the airport to the Walters’ estate. Instead of Walters children moving out from there parents shadow, they were given houses on the 150 acre estate. They were a close family to say the least.
“Wow, it seems you have replaced me in Grandmothers affections. Nice car.”
“What? Did you think everyone was going to sit around and mope until the prodical grand-daughter returned? I don’t think so. You might have been the first but you weren’t the last and we’ve moved on.’‘
“Thanks for the happy homecoming, sweet cousin. It almost seems as if you didn’t want me back?’’
Sarcasm was one of Rachelle’s biggest strengths. It made her decision to leave this world even more finite. After the funeral she would go back to being plain old Rachelle Walters, high school english teacher, and regular girl. She would be damned if she would go back to being Rachelle Walters, old-blood heiress and matriarchal puppet for the family.
“Just dont step on my toes, got it?’‘
“O, I got it.”

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