
She Apologizes

“Angela?” I asked when I heard someone enter the room.

“How’d you know?” She asked, slightly surprised.

“I could hear the way you walked in and I kinda remembered it from before..” I said sheepishly. I wasn’t excatly sure how I had known it was her, I just had.

“Oh, makes sense.” She said. She walked over and sat in the seat Dailey had just left. “Anna..”

I turned towards the sound of her voice. “Yeah?”

“That.. that spell you performed.. That was amazing..” Angela said, shaking her head. “I never wanted to believe such an ordinary-looking girl like you would save us.. I didn’t think you had it in you.. “

“I didn’t either..” I said softly.

“And you opened that book! It led them straight to you! I couldn’t believe our saviour could be so.. stupid..” Angela grabbed my hand. “I am so sorry for doubting you Anya. You are more powerful then all.” With that she kissed the back of my hand and left.

“Anna..” James whispered and wiped away a tear that had escaped my eye.

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