
Chronicals of the Psychiatrically Disordered pg.2

July 4, 2008

Mmm… This day…holds no happiness for me… Only serving as another reminder of why I am here…

I became aware of my other personalities this day all those years ago. I also killed a man. You see…he killed a friend of mine. Cookie, my cat, had been with me for 12 years, and I cared for her greatly…

I can barely remember now… Coming home one day, only to find her…laying there dead. Looking up to find him, fireworks and a large stick in his hands. The laughing… His laughing… That awful sound… It threw my sanity out the window and let Umber in…

I am not too aware of what happened… But I do remember following him into the woods… Feelings I never knew overpowering me as I lifted a large rock… The coppery stench of blood…crying, begging… A flash, the hiss of a fuse…The sound of gagging, pained screams… The weight of the rock once more and then silence…

I am afraid that these memories are a bit too much for me to bear… I must leave you for now…

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