
Texting Raquel

My parents and brother all left later that eveing again. I was in an amazing mood. I turned on my dad’s stereo and began dancing all around my house. Soon the song ended and I paused in my dancing.

I screamed and immediately began dancing, and now belating the lyrics at the top of my lungs, when Don’t Stop by Fleetwood Mac came on.

When I was finally out of breath I went upstairs and got in my shower. I turned on my raido there and let the music envelope me. When Three Cheers for Five Years by Mayday Parade came on. Again I sang every word of the song.

I finished up my shower and got out. I toweled off and got dressed, leaving my long hair down to air dry. When I signed on AIM I was disapointed to see Tyler wasn’t on. So instead I texted Raquel.

I can’t stop thinking about him!
haha, girl… how hard’d u fall?
ugh pretty hard…
rlly? like…
like i think i’m truley in love…
that’s it, we’re driving to Georgia next summer =P
haha, that’s y i love u!

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