
Arsonist Girl's Tale.

I grit my teeth. My name is Wendy, and from here on, I will tell my own story. You see, you all need to hear the story directly from me, so that you could understand why I did what I did.
Charlie was/is the love of my life. Back then, when things were brand new, he was a simple boy who happened to have an affinity for lighting a good fire. As a young teen girl, he was the most beautiful thing i could have ever set my eyes on, besides the fires he created, and through him, that I, too, got to fashion by sheer imaginings.
But that day was the day things really began for us.
As mother called on me, my skin crawled. I hated her nicknames and she knew it. Mother found it entertaining to call me by baby-names.
“Yes, Mother!” I groaned.
“Fetch me the bottle of Crown under the sink!”
“It’s 7am, mother!” i countered.
“Shut up, Tibby, and do as you’re told,”
I remember smiling, “Yes, Mother!”
You are, so, going to burn!
She lit a cigarette as I handed her the bottle, “Hand me the TV. Remote”
“Yes, Mom”

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